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My Story

Event Speaker

Lover of People
& Strong Coffee

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LaTan Roland Murphy is a speaker, vocalist, and freelance writer with a passion for encouraging people to live life to the fullest. As an established teacher of the word, LaTan finds great joy in helping others discover their God given purpose. She brings a unique style of humor to the platform, making her listeners feel as though they have known her for years. With humility and vulnerability, LaTan often shares her most embarrassing moments of life as a way of freeing others to be real.

LaTan has been blessed with husband Joe Murphy; her greatest support for nearly 35 years. The two have served along side each other in ministry. Her favorite point of discussion these days is her grandchildren, who are a constant source of inspiration.

She is an award winning freelance writer with articles featured in the Voices Section of WHOA Women’s Magazine, on staff with and is also a prayer team member for Girlfriends In God and Journey Friends websites, reaching women around the world through prayer and email response weekly.

LaTan has written study material targeting ages sixth through twelfth grade for Acme Quiz Company and has also been a featured writer of devotional material for women on Girlfriends In God website.

From LaTan’s richly encouraging sessions, listeners are infected with a new awareness of how God can use ordinary people, on an ordinary day, to bring about His extraordinary miracles.

Greatest Passions

  • Teaching the word of God with love and power

  • Challenging others to fall in love with Jesus Christ

  • Building up the body of Christ

  • Teaching the importance of edifying others

  • Encouraging others to realize and use their God-given gifts

  • Helping her audience find JOY in the little things of life

  • Helping her audience realize that true JOY is not based on circumstances

  • Sharing her personal discoveries in order to encourage and empower others to realize God’s love for them

  • Helping others learn the joy of LAUGHTER!


I Believe

  • I believe that Jesus is the son of God. I believe he was born of a virgin Mary, came into this world with a purpose in His heart

  • I believe He came with you and me in mind

  • I believe His purpose was to set an example of how to live a life of love and offer freedom

  • I believe He came to show us how to serve others

  • I believe Christ came as a living sacrifice for our sins

  • I believe He took the sins of the world on His shoulders

  • I believe He chose to be crucified in our place so that we could be redeemed

  • I believe putting faith and trust in Christ as the way, the truth and the life changes everything for the better

  • I believe in the instant we confess our sin and ask Him into our hearts, He remembers our sin no more…we are made anew

  • I believe once we put our hope and trust in Christ, we have the blessing of entering into a personal relationship with Him

  • I believe at that very moment we become free—free from sins grip, free from the guilt of shame that sin causes, and free to have an abundant life because His power is alive in us

  • I believe in the Holy Trinity: God the Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit

  • I believe in one Lord and Savior

  • I believe Christ will return someday to take those who have believed and faithfully served Him

  • I believe He will take us to our eternal home—He is now preparing a place for us in heaven

  • I believe we will spend all of eternity worshiping and praising Him


Eyes have not seen, ears have not heard, all the things God is now preparing for those who trust the Lord.

Copyright © 2021 LaTan Roland Murphy

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